Hi there 😀

My name is Sean.

I'm a software engineer. I mostly do C# (#dropthedot) but sometimes I dabble on some different languages.

Welcome to my personal website! I usually do an overhaul of the site almost every year (I don't know why) I think this is my 6th interation and every year it seems to get more and more simplistic soon it'll just be a blank screen. I'm really bad at designing I don't know if you can tell 😅.

You can find or contact me in any of these places



I worked on a lot of Azure infrastructure & Kubernetes to the point where I sometimes felt like I'm more DevOps than a programmer. I've worked with some of the best people and have learned a ton from them, huge shoutout to Shyam, Chinmay, Richard.

This year was pretty auto-pilot ngl learned more GitHub Action stuff and some AI. Hopefully, I can get back into the groove and focus up. (kermit forbid its burnout) kermit

Just like last year, I tried building a small side-project but another year another failed side project adding that to the GitHub graveyard once more. One of this day I'll be able to complete one.

Some cool stuff I learned during the course of this year

  • KEDA
  • Gloo
  • MassTransit

Random stuff

  • There's this amazing book I read about DDD called Implementing Domain Driven Design and it's completely free.

  • I can't believe I'm saying this but this year seems to be the year that I now know more React than Vue. I suppose it was inevitable considering I was pretty much assigned(forced delegated) to do react at work and given how in-demand react still are I guess it's all good.